What I did to grow a retail business that I started, expanded and sold – Part Two: Social Media Marketing

Part two: Social Media Marketing

Like I mentioned in Part One, I started the retail business that I later sold with very limited resources (basically just me and hardly any revenue!). But with patience and through successful marketing strategies that I implemented, in small steps over the years, I was eventually able to expand my rental space and grow the revenue of the business.

How did I attain this? I will focus on one of the strategies that worked for me and my small business in this blog about social media, which is part two of six. Hopefully you’ll find some inspiration in my story which may be helpful to you and your business.

Second Strategy: Social Media Marketing

This might seem scary for some or second nature to others, but either way, you can’t afford to not be on social media. Done right, social media is a great (and basically free!) way to increase brand recognition and have direct interactions with existing and potential customers/clients.

It can seem overwhelming, considering how many social media channels there are available. The good news is that you don’t have to be on all of them to have a successful social media marketing strategy. Choose one or two that make sense for your brand and concentrate your efforts there.

How to start your social media marketing strategy:

  • Start by establishing your buyer persona.
    • Who is your ideal customer? (Demographics, interests, favourite brands, favourite websites and which social media channels they are on.)
    • Knowing who you are marketing to and what resonates with them will help determine what kind of content to post.  
  • Choose which social media channel(s) to prioritize. (Which one is your buyer persona on?)
  • Create your social media goals.
    • Base these on your business goals.
    • SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Timely.

Want to know my top 10 tips for marketing on social media? CLICK HERE to download my free tip sheet to help get you started.

Here is my example: The buyer persona of the retail business that I had was predominantly male (75%), between the ages of 35 and 60. Knowing this, I first choose to be on Facebook where I promoted events, sales, announced new products, etc. with some “fun facts” and other content thrown in.  Facebook also allowed me to target specific audiences through paid advertising that even my small budget could afford. 😉 I then added Instagram where I used strong visuals, a lighter tone, and funnier content to engage with my audience on that channel.

These two social media channels may or not be right for your business. Make sure to do research to find the right fit for you and your brand.  

Would you like more help with your social media marketing? A freelance marketing specialist (like me!), who specializes with this type of digital marketing, can help you determine your strategy and coach you on how to implement it. 😊

Part 1: How I grew my business by investing in marketing.

Part 3: How I grew my business through reviews.

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