What I did to grow a retail business that I started, expanded and sold – Part Three: Reviews

Anik Vigneault

Part three: Online Reviews

Like I mentioned in Part One, I started the retail business that I later sold with very limited resources (basically just me and hardly any revenue!). But with patience and through successful marketing strategies that I implemented, in small steps over the years, I was eventually able to expand my rental space and grow the revenue of the business.

How did I attain this? I will focus on one of the strategies that worked for me and my small business in this blog on reviews, which is part three of six. Hopefully you’ll find some inspiration in my story which may be helpful to you and your business.

Third Strategy: Reviews

In my opinion, this strategy can be a little trickier… it is difficult and sometimes uncomfortable for some of us to ask for reviews from customers and clients. But there are ways to do this that can appear to be seamless, if well incorporated within your overall strategy.

Why your business needs a strategy to get more reviews:

  • It makes potential customers/clients feel more confident in choosing your products or services.
    • People trust independent reviews and recommendations much more than anything else a business may say about their products or services.
    • People prefer to make what they feel is an informed decision, based on reading the reviews.  
  • It helps boost your SEO (Search Engine Optimization).
    • The more reviews you have on platforms like Google Business Profile, the higher the chance that your business will be found on searches.
  • Reviews (and comments) on social media also increase the chance that someone may find you, and want to follow you, on those channels.

Here is my example: I was able to increase my reviews and comments on Facebook and on Google Business Profile by interacting with my audience. I always responded to comments, and I always thanked people who left positive reviews. And for those few who posted negative ones, I always responded to those as well – remember that what you do on the internet is public and how you respond speaks volume on who you are as a business. Remember to be authentic and be human.

I also had, along with my bricks and mortar shop, an online one. After clients would make purchases on this platform, I would send them an email asking them to comment about their experience and to review the product(s) that they bought.

There are so many other ways to increase your reviews (like not being afraid to ask clients directly, for example), whether you have a product or a service-based business.  

Would you like help with getting more reviews and engagement? A freelance marketing specialist (like me!), who specializes in digital marketing can help you establish your strategy and coach you on how to implement it. 😊

Part 1: How I grew my business by investing in marketing.

Part 2: How I grew my business through social media marketing.

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