What I did to grow a retail business that I started, expanded and sold – Part Four: Email Marketing

Anik Vigneault

Like I mentioned in Part One, I started the retail business that I later sold with very limited resources (basically just me and hardly any revenue!). But with patience and through successful marketing strategies that I implemented, in small steps over the years, I was eventually able to expand my rental space and grow the revenue of the business.

How did I attain this? I will focus on one of the strategies that worked for me and my small business in this blog on email marketing, which is part four of six. Hopefully you’ll find some inspiration in my story which may be helpful to you and your business.

Fourth Strategy: Email Marketing

Collecting email addresses through your website (and in your shop – for bricks and mortar businesses) and using them to send informational and/or promotional emails is essential for any business.

Why your business needs to implement an email marketing strategy:

  • Direct and personalized communication: Email allows your business to have direct and personalized communication with your target audience. By collecting email addresses from subscribers who have shown interest in your products or services offered, you can send tailored messages, offers, and updates directly to their inbox.
  • Cost-effective: Compared to other marketing channels, email marketing is relatively low-cost. It doesn’t require significant investments in printing, postage, or advertising space.
  • Reach and engagement: By sending emails, your business can engage with your subscribers, nurture relationships, and keep your brand top of mind. Regularly providing valuable content, promotions, and updates can help build customer loyalty and increase engagement.
  • Targeted and segmented campaigns: Email marketing allows you to segment your audience based on various criteria. This segmentation enables more targeted and relevant campaigns, ensuring that subscribers receive content and offers that are tailored to their needs and preferences.
  • Measurable results and analytics: Email marketing platforms provide detailed analytics and reporting. This data enables you to measure the effectiveness of your email campaigns, identify areas for improvement, and make data-driven decisions to optimize future campaigns.
  • Increased conversions and sales: Well-executed email marketing campaigns can generate sales.

Overall, email marketing is an important tool for any business to build relationships, stay connected with its audience, drive engagement and conversions, and achieve marketing objectives.

Here is my example:

I first started by collecting email addresses directly in my shop and as soon as the technology allowed it, I was also collecting them on my website. Within a few years, I was up to 2000 active addresses, which I segmented into 6 different categories, making sure that my emails were customized and being sent to the correct category. By keeping track of the analytics on my email marketing platform, I could easily see how many people were opening my emails and clicking on the links, by campaign. This allowed me to make improvements to my future campaigns by knowing which type of content resonated with which group. By tweaking and making those changes, the number of subscribers who were reading my emails, as well as clicking on the links that would take them to specific pages on my website or online shop, increased.

There are ways to increase your sales by conducting the right email marketing strategy for your business, whether you have a product or a service-based business.  

Would you like help with setting up an email marketing strategy? A freelance marketing specialist (like me!), who specializes in digital marketing can help you establish your strategy and coach you on how to implement it. 😊

Part 1: How I grew my business by investing in marketing.

Part 2: How I grew my business through social media marketing.

Part 3: How I grew my business through online reviews

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