What I did to grow a retail business that I started, expanded and sold – Part Five: Community Engagement

Like I mentioned in Part One, I started the retail business that I later sold with very limited resources (basically just me and hardly any revenue!). But with patience and through successful marketing strategies that I implemented, in small steps over the years, I was eventually able to expand my rental space and grow the revenue of the business.

How did I attain this? I will focus on one of the strategies that worked for me and my small business in this blog on community engagement, which is part five of six. Hopefully you’ll find some inspiration in my story which may be helpful to you and your business.

Fifth Strategy: Community Engagement – unlocking marketing potential by getting out there.

In an increasingly digital world, it’s easy for businesses to focus solely on online marketing strategies. However, there is immense value in connecting with your local community by actively participating in community events, initiatives and collaborations. Your business will in turn build trust, strengthen brand awareness and forge relationships.

What can you do to take advantage of the power of getting out in your community?

  1. Participate in local events.
    • Local events offer valuable opportunities to connect with potential customers and demonstrate your commitment to the community. You can sponsor an event, have a booth, organize a workshop or a demonstration related to your industry – these are all examples of how you can engage with the attendees, showcase your products or services, and create experiences.
  1. Collaborate with local businesses.
    • This is a win-win situation for everyone involved. Seek out complementary business opportunities in your area and explore ways to work together. Like co-hosting an event, cross-promote each other’s offerings, or bundle products or services to create enticing packages. By combining forces, you are expanding your reach and tapping into new customer bases, all while also fostering a sense of community support and unity.
  2. Support local causes.
    • Showcasing your business’ commitment to social responsibility and community welfare can be a powerful marketing tool. Identify a cause that aligns with your brand’s values and actively support it. You can sponsor a local charity, volunteer for a community service project, or organize a fundraiser. These are all things that will generate goodwill and a positive brand association. Be transparent about your involvement and share stories about the impact you and your chosen cause is making.
  3. Host workshops, educational sessions and/or teach courses.
    • Position yourself as an expert in your industry by sharing your knowledge with others in your community. Choose topics that resonate with your audience and offer valuable insights and practical advice, which will build trust and credibility while establishing your brand as a go-to resource.
  4. Integrate the offline with the online.
    • While community engagement primarily involves physical presence, don’t forget to use your online channels to amplify your efforts. Use social media and your website to promote your community involvement, share event updates, and encourage participation. Incorporate user-generated content from community interactions into your online marketing campaigns. By integrating both the online and offline efforts, you will be creating a cohesive brand presence that will resonate with local and online audiences.

By actively engaging in your community, you can foster brand awareness, build trust, and establish a positive reputation. By combining offline and online strategies, you are creating a holistic approach that strengthens your community presence while extending your reach to a wider audience.

Here is my example:

I was first approached by an existing customer to teach a course or two for the town that he was working for. I agreed, developed two courses, and taught them both on two different evenings. These courses were a success! They were well attended, I received positive feedback and best of all, I inherited a few new customers.

In the years that followed, I learned to never say no when someone asked me to teach a course or do a talk for their community groups. I have taught countless courses and became the go-to person when someone was looking for an expert in the field that I was in. This also led to being interviewed on television, radio and on a podcast. Needless to say that this became a great and organic way for me to gain new customers, as well as create stronger bonds with existing ones (and increase my street cred in that business!).

I enjoyed the experience so much that I have continued to offer courses in my previous field of expertise. My reasons for doing this have changed… it is no longer for attracting new customers, but for the simple reason that it is fun. 😊

I also volunteered with two local non-profit organizations that I felt that I could help with my specific skill set. Even though I was not directly promoting my business this way, I was still meeting lots of new people in my community who were interested in getting to know me and what I did for a living. This helped in creating awareness of my business and increase its reputation.

I suggest to every business owner that I work with that they should strongly consider getting involved in their communities. So roll up your sleeves and get ready to make a meaningful impact in your community through proactive marketing efforts!


Would you like help with setting up marketing strategies? A freelance marketing specialist (like me!), who specializes in digital marketing can help you establish your strategy and coach you on how to implement it. 😊

Part 1: How I grew my business by investing in marketing.

Part 2: How I grew my business through social media marketing.

Part 3: How I grew my business through online reviews

Part 4: How I grew my business through email marketing.

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