by Anik Vigneault | Jun 29, 2023 | Marketing des médias sociaux, Stratégie de marketing
L’ajout de courtes vidéos à vos canaux de médias sociaux peut être une stratégie très efficace et bénéfique pour plusieurs raisons : 1. Amélioration de l’engagement : Les vidéos courtes ont plus de chances de capter et de maintenir l’attention des...
by Anik Vigneault | Jun 28, 2023 | Marketing en bref, Stratégie de marketing
Comme je l’ai mentionné dans le premier blogue de cette série, j’ai démarré le commerce de détail (que j’ai ensuite vendu) avec des ressources très limitées. Mais avec de la patience et grâce à des stratégies de marketing efficaces que j’ai...
by Anik Vigneault | Jun 28, 2023 | Marketing 101, Marketing Strategy
Like I mentioned in Part One, I started the retail business that I later sold with very limited resources (basically just me and hardly any revenue!). But with patience and through successful marketing strategies that I implemented, in small steps over the years, I...
by Anik Vigneault | Jun 15, 2023 | Marketing Strategy, Social Media Marketing
Adding short videos to your social media channels can be a highly effective and beneficial strategy for several reasons: 1. Enhanced Engagement: Short videos have a higher likelihood of capturing and maintaining user attention compared to other forms of content. They...
by Anik Vigneault | Jun 7, 2023 | Marketing 101, Marketing Strategy
Like I mentioned in Part One, I started the retail business that I later sold with very limited resources (basically just me and hardly any revenue!). But with patience and through successful marketing strategies that I implemented, in small steps over the years, I...